Why Most People Still Believe Trump Have Better Chance to Win The US Nov Election

With relentless discipline, wrapped in flag-draped videos, the convention hammered home President Donald Trump's message: that behind closed doors and contrary to all outward signs, he is an ardent feminist who cares deeply about the problems confronted by Black Americans, that Joe Biden is a
"Trojan horse" for radical activists and that a Democratic victory in November would spell the end of the American dream.

The fact that in his acceptance speech Trump mostly stuck to the teleprompter script vetted by his advisers that "he believes he is losing this race."

Covid-19 is under control, Trump asserted, and America is reopening. As if to punctuate that message, he assembled 2,000 people on the White House's South Lawn with few precautions to prevent it from becoming a super spreader event.

The political use of the historic grounds owned by all Americans "an abomination" and urged: "never again should a sitting president be able to commandeer one of the most sacred sites of our democracy and turn it into a political prop."

 Twelve Black speakers were featured on the main stage in support of Trump,  "Contrast that stat with the number of African Americans who are senior level White House staffers. That would be   deputy assistant to the President...What about Black Trump cabinet secretaries? That would be one as well: Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson."

Trump was lauded at the RNC for backing the careers of women too, but here also his record isn't strong -- it significantly lags presidents such as Barack Obama and Bill Clinton  In reality show fashion, Trump disrupted the tradition of political conventions by bestowing a presidential pardon, meeting with freed American hostages and staging a naturalization ceremony for prime-time viewers.

 These segments were designed to depict Trump as a man of empathy, "They also smear Vaseline on the lens of his policy positions"  His administration has been boldly putting restrictions on legal, not just illegal, immigration

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