I know you’re not thinking, you never do' Trump to reporter

Here is how How a Democratic Congress could derail Trump’s NAFTA dreams

Finally Trump administration sues California over net neutrality law

Surprise why The F.B.I. is up for' quick Kavanaugh investigation

Trump start push to win approval of new Canada, Mexico trade deal

Trump on Kavanaugh: 'I was surprised at how vocal he was about the fact that he likes beer'

Trump says 3,000 did not die in Puerto Rico hurricane, Blast Democrats For Manipulating Numbers

Trump Blast Jeff Sessions: 'I don't have an attorney general'

Trump Cwlls the Middle East Useless for high oil prices — but the U.S. is the world's top producer

Yet Again Trump surrenders on demand for declassification of Russia probe docs

Secretary of State Pompeo rips Russia: 'Said They have not proven helpful'

Finially China cancels navy chief visit to US over Trump’s sanctions

Why Those on public benefits Are Trump administration easily immigration CLAMPDOWN


Why Trump falsely calls Korean war 'the longest' in history in a string of inaccurate claims